The journal content
  The journal reflects the content of the following groups of specialties of scientific workers (according to the Nomenclature of specialties):

1.2. Computer science and informatics.
1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs.

2.2. Electronics, photonics, instrumentation and communications.
2.2.13. Radio engineering, including systems and TV devices. (technical sciences)
2.2.15. Systems, networks and telecommunications. (technical sciences)

2.3. Information technologies and telecommunications.
2.3.4. Organizational systems management. (technical sciences)
2.3.5. Mathematical and software of systems, complexes and computer networks. (technical sciences)
2.3.6. Information security methods and systems, information security. (technical sciences)

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1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes programs (technical sciences)
1.2.3. Theoretical informatics cybernetics (physical and mathematical sciences)
2.3.1. System analysis control and information processing (technical sciences)
2.3.2. Computing systems and their elements (technical sciences)
2.3.7. Computer modeling and design automation (technical sciences)